Ornament Exchange '08 & Homework

The Sunday after Thanksgiving marks the annual ornament exchange between Tomme, Julie, Karie and I.  I can't pinpoint the exact date that we officially started this tradition but as I was trimming the tree on Friday I noticed Christmas ornaments that went back to high school days between Tomme and me.  So, unofficially this tradition started back in the late eighties but officially transitioned into a "formal" gathering of friends, gifts of ornaments, good food and a lot of laughs.  We also feel this is a gathering to remember Tomme's mom Cheryle and her love of all things Christmas.

As I was trimming two trees this year it was fun to look back at all of the different ornaments and note who they came from and when.  The girls have already gotten a great selection of ornaments to some day decorate their own trees.  They love to play with their ornaments (much to mommy's demise) and always ask who gave it to them.  It was also fun to bring out my mom's ornaments that were hung each year when I was a child.  There were a lot of fond memories seeing those ornaments that I am so glad that I have.

In leu of the gift exchange between the kids this year we decided that the kids would get a new book and in return donate a book to the local charity to help those less fortunate.  As we all need to remember:  it's the gift of giving that really counts.

Ornament Exchange Highlights

Yes, that IS Karie IN the kitchen...preparing guacamole.  

Just the girls hanging out...CJ, Kate, Anna and Avery

No gathering cannot have chocolate...

All the kiddos...Anna (4), CJ (6), Kate(6), Avery (4) , Peyton (8), Drew (3), Carson(4) & Luke (5)

After all the fun onto homework...

Every month Kate has a family homework assignment where she needs to decorate an item with her family to be hung on the wall outside of her classroom.  Each homework assignment coordinates with the season so today we were decorating her Christmas tree.  Last month we had to "disguise" a turkey so it would not be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.  Thankfully mommy had an array of craft supplies that were collecting dust so we got down to business and glitter was flying everywhere!

Kate's completed homework project...and a very proud little girl.

Anna's "homework" assignment.  She so badly wants to keep up with her sister which at times can cause some friction.  Tonight...pure joy.

Thanksgiving '08

Thanksgiving '08. All and all it was a very nice and relaxing day. There was a turkey we enjoyed, our belts got a little tighter and several projects completed. Kate greeted us this morning with a Thanksgiving card. She noted that there was a girl turkey and a boy turkey and bread and pie. What else can we really ask for?

Anna and I made Monkey Bread Minis this morning for breakfast. She will pass up a good show on t.v. to help mommy in the kitchen any time. She loves to cook and bake.

Our masterpieces looked like this when they were done and not many of them were left. I think Kate ate three...
There was some time for serious board games too. Anna and daddy played Dora Chutes and Ladders (mommy and Kate played Guess Who and Old Maid).
Finally Thanksgiving dinner...turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy (Kate's favorite), green bean bundles (mommy's version of green bean casserole & daddy's favorite), cranberry spritzer and cherry pie and ice cream for dessert (in memory of Grandpa Al). Grandma Joyce chose to say grace and everything was quaint and sweet.
Now...onto Christmas decorating first thing tomorrow morning!

Coffee Angel & A Birthday

 Originally uploaded by beever_m4

I don't know if there are coffee angels or not but I believe I was the recipient of one today.  First, while waiting in line at the drive thru of Caribou I specifically noticed the shiny cross hanging from the rear view mirror of the car in front of me and thought to myself how nice.  Then as I proceeded to the window to pay and pick up my yummy latte the employee said that the person in front of me just paid for my coffee!  I sat there pretty stunned and delighted at such a nice surprise and gesture!  So as the barista tended to my latte I sat there looking at my five dollar bill still in my hand.  I noticed that there was a car behind me and thought why not pay it forward...

Mr. Jake, Jakarooni, Jaker, Jakester,Jakes, Knucklehead is a year old today!  Happy 1st Birthday Jake!  Jake enjoyed many treats including freshly cooked ground venison.  Jake at a year old:
  1. shows affection by nipping like crazy
  2. does the 'Jake dance' waiting for a puppy treat
  3. has a tuff of hair stand up on his back when he is excited
  4. loves to hunt birds
  5. loves to play fetch
  6. truly loved by his family

Family Cooking & Playing

Yesterday we completed our four week class on family cooking at the Somerset Middle School. We learned about planning and cooking a healthy meal together. The girls were putting our meal ingredients in the appropriate food pyramid slots (this was a big deal for them to go up in front of everybody).

The family enjoying vegetable and pork stir fry over rice with fruit salad. We got quite a few free kitchen items, 3 children's books and a kid friendly cookbook.
I was able to volunteer in Anna's class today and help out with the Thanksgiving party. It was a lot of fun learning her routine and meeting her classmates. Anna has an awesome teacher and absolutely loves school. We usually hear a lot about the sensory table and what Mrs. Eiring puts in it...today corn from Mrs. Larsen's farm.

This is Anna's good friend Serenity and her little brother Robert. Serenity's mom helped out today too so Anna thought that was pretty nice.

Mrs. Eiring took the class out behind the school playground and had each child dump a cup full of corn to feed the deer or other interested wildlife. A perk of going to school in the country! The class will do this often through the week and check to see if any corn was eaten from the time before.


Weekends wouldn't be complete without pancakes at our house on Saturday morning. The girls and I tried a new version of pancakes this weekend: German Oven Pancakes (a.k.a. Pfannkuchen). I think we will try them again (with sprinkles of course).

This photo is circa Christmas Eve 1974

Dad went to his eternal home this day November 23rd, 1994. It's amazing how fast 14 years pass but not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I am trying my very best for the girls to know their Grandpa Al and here are five things that come to mind:
  1. His sense of humor - dad always had a joke to tell.
  2. Loyal - he had tremendous loyalty to his friends and family and would do anything for anybody - I can't begin to explain how many times he would pick up hitch hikers and I was the one who had to sit with them in the back of the car.
  3. His love of softball - dad was gone numerous weekends playing in tournaments or weekly league games. He also spent numerous hours on the phone trying to find enough players to make a team.
  4. Cars - dad loved a good car deal, something to fix up, something to swear at, or back in his prime, something to drive fast. We could never make it by a used car dealership without him stopping by "to just look." He could fix anything and he would stay up all night if he had to so the car was working by morning.
  5. Words of wisdom to me: "There is good in all people but sometimes you just have to look a little harder."

I miss you dad...

Pancakes & Memory

The last few days have involved several games of Memory with Anna. She LOVES this game (and loves to win). She is so proud of herself when she finds a pair!
The girls love to have sprinkles on their pancakes and I wasn't sure if Anna was having pancakes with her sprinkles or sprinkles with her pancakes. If we let her she would dump an entire bottle of sprinkles on her pancakes.
Kate also has been planning her birthday party for when she turns 7 the last couple of days. We told her she could have a friend party when she turned 7 and for some reason she wants to start the planning early...10 months early. She has made a list of guests and of course the list includes the 3 naughtiest boys in her class! I also told her since she is turning 7 that would be the limit on how many she could invite...she evaluated her list and said she had the right amount...stay tuned.

Wednesdays with Grandma Joyce

Something that mom didn't do too much of while growing up...cleaning.  :)  Mom has become obsessed with cleaning everything and gets very irritated when something isn't done just so...
Mom and I played Memory today and she actually beat me (with a little help).  She was pretty confused but we muddled through it and it was an activity for us to do together.  Even though this was such a simple thing to do I have to be thankful for these times that she can still communicate with me and know who I am.  Ernie also wanted to get in on the action...

A Visit to School

                                                                                                                     Jack, Kate & Ella

Today I was able to take the opportunity and volunteer in Kate's Kindergarten classroom this afternoon.  It was fun being back in a classroom (but without the responsibility) and meeting Kate's friends that she talks about each day.  Today we learned about the penny in Math, went to music and had fun at free choice (note the pictures).  Kate's new obsession:  everything horses. Next week it's Anna's turn for mom to visit during their class Thanksgiving party.

Play Time

Anna had her neighbor friend Claire over for a play date today and she (actually they) was in her glory.  There was no sharing toys with her older sister and submitting to her demands...just pure playtime bliss for a 4 1/2 year old and her buddy.  Anna took on her helper/mommy role right away by taking Claire's shoes off and hanging up her coat.  Then it was onto more fun things...snack and a princess search and find.  Nothing can be better than that for a chilly Monday morning...

Grandma Time

A visit to see Grandma Joyce last Friday included listening to The Singing Bus Driver.  Grandma enjoyed listening to the oldies but goodies.

Weekend Quote:  After finishing up dinner Saturday night which was Broccoli, Chickpea, and Tomato Salad Kate nonchalantly said, "Those beans were really bad."

Center Assignment: Kate's Recap of the Past Weekend

Kate completed a center project at school this week that reflected her weekend activities. I think she liked having her cousins visit.

Veteran's Day, Report Card & Pretzels

Happy Veteran's Day...Kate is honoring Grandpa Bones
Kate's first report card...her feet just got wet in the educational system.
Kate's favorite "subjects": recess, free choice & library
Friends: Elizabeth, Ella, Brooke & Michael
Scariest part of school (so far): getting on the bus the first day of school to come home.
Biggest Accomplishment: learning to read!

Snack time today included homemade pretzels the girls made...with cinnamon and sugar on top of course. Anna wanted to make shapes and Kate insisted on a snake with a tongue and eyes.


This past weekend allowed some time to spend with family particularly cousins.  After watching Emily play basketball in Somerset we retreated home for food, play and movie watching (popcorn included).

Anna was pretty exhausted come Sunday evening and fell asleep in this collapsed pretzel position.

Quote for the day:  Mommy: "We need to turn off our big lights and turn on our night lights for bedtime reading."  Kate: "Mommy, if you don't let us keep our big lights on for reading don't you know we are going to go blind!"  Mommy:  "Point taken.  Keep your big lights on until the timer goes off."

New Do

A new do for Anna...we went shorter and didn't look back.  Unfortunately, Anna got my fine hair gene so we do whatever it takes to make our hair look full and luscious.  The stylists at Kid's Hair are great AND you get to watch Curious George while hair falls to the floor.  Anna also didn't think anyone would recognize her at Jr. Kindergarten today.  Kate is definitely getting used to Anna with less hair as she noted several times tonight that Anna looked different.

Getting Started

After reading several blogs on a daily basis I decided I would give it a try myself to document, discuss, illustrate (whatever verb you want to use) our life and allow family members and friends to see what we are up to since none of us live very close...

Halloween '08