I had the privilege of volunteering in Kate's classroom again today. I was supposed to help out with their Santa letters but the teacher forgot they were scheduled for computer class. So, I got a chance to go to computer class, art class and gym class. Word has it in the hallways of SES that many little school girls (and the older females too) like the gym teacher Mr. Biele. Kate talks about him all the time so I was getting ready for my chance to meet him...and there was a sub. I guess another time. Then there was a sub in art class also but it was fun watching the kids complete their projects and sing while they worked. While they worked on their assignments they practiced their songs for the Christmas concert next week. Kate sang along to every one of them so we'll see if she starts a new trend as compared to the last three years of Christmas programs.
It was also very refreshing as to how much the teachers can talk about and display Christmas related items. There are decorated Christmas trees everywhere. The front hallway display depicting all the holidays celebrated this time of year included a manger scene. This is very different from my days teaching in St. Paul. This is one advantage to small town living that I welcome wholeheartedly.
I am also very impressed by the overflowing support the school has for their local family shelter, Grace Place. There is a large food/necessity drive going on and the front office is overflowing with items to be donated to the shelter. Yay!
Overall, a fun day. Kate is making great progress socially and academically. She has made some nice friends and has befriended a little boy named Michael who definitely needs some direction. Yep, he would be one of the students I would totally love while he drove the rest of the teachers crazy. I just chuckle watching the teachers and aides get on the kids about their behavior...they have no clue how refreshing their "problem" children are...
So, volunteering at the girls' school currently fulfills any gnawing feeling I have to go back to what I went to school for...I like having no IEPs or ESRs to write, no Child Study meetings, no staff meetings, no nerve racking PACER meetings, no new due process procedures to learn, no dealing with unruly parents or lack of parental support, no calls to probation officers and no fighting with regular education teachers for their lack of empathy when an 8th grader can't read their test!! I currently can have the benefits of teaching via volunteering without the latter...I am feeling blessed today!