Flashback January 2007
A Week in February

When your husband is out of town for the week these things are not supposed to happen especially if you have to be some where later in the day. However, it will happen if you leave the air compressor hooked up to your van after it finishes pumping up your tire and you fall asleep in the house. There could be many lessons learned here but at least I knew how to pump up my tire to the correct psi! Thankfully our nice neighbor Steve helped me out and had a good laugh for his afternoon enjoyment. On the other hand this also happened six minutes before I was to drive down to the neighbors and get the girls off the bus. So I hoofed it (really walk/run) down to their stop and almost threw up because I am not a runner and never will be. I got there just in time to get the girls off the bus and be asked 20 questions. In my attempts to regulate my oxygen levels I managed to squeak out that my battery was dead in the van and we would be walking home!

Special Note: we received more than six inches of snow today!
Black Diamonds
Miss Kate decided her confidence was in check and daddy was a more willing participant and ventured over to the black signs on the hill...not the conservative green and blue signs. I see this as more bonding time with her dad...skiing black diamonds and hanging out in the turkey blind. Way to go Kate!
Happy Birthday Grandma Joyce
Valentine's Day '09
This would be Valentine throw up after a long day of partying at school...do kids really read their Valentine's?
We enjoyed our family Valentine treat with red velvet cakes for Friday dessert night. Having your own personal cake was a big hit with the girls.
A Valentine tradition that we have maintained since having the girls is getting them a small box of chocolates in a heart-shaped container. This was something my dad always did for my mom and me growing up.
Valentine Beginnings
It's official...Valentine's Day celebrations started early in the week. With the amount of fructose in our house you would think it was Halloween. However, once your eyes come into focus after your sugar hangover you quickly realize it's the Hallmark holiday of love. All you see is pink, red and white and a lot of jewelry commercials.

The girls did a little cookie decorating this week for their afternoon snack. Jake was trying to get in the action also but no such luck except for a few measly crumbs on the floor. Tonight Kate asked when the "Valentine Guy" (a.k.a. Cupid) was coming and would he be bringing them anything. I quiver just thinking what a big disappointment all of these fesitivities will be when they realize there isn't a Santa Claus who rides around in a sleigh, there isn't a little sparkly fairy delivering money under a pillow collecting germy teeth, or a big furry bunny who delivers hollowed chocolate molds of himself in baskets!

Since the roads were so icy at the beginning of the week the school district didn't take any chances today with the slick roads and called off school. I think too many buses were in the ditch Monday morning to chance it yet again today. So the girls entertained themselves with a lot of crafts, t.v. and snacks today. Lunch time included smoothies which we eat a lot around here and this was just a cool picture...all the layers of the smoothie visable...people pay a lot of money for this kind of art work!

The girls did a little cookie decorating this week for their afternoon snack. Jake was trying to get in the action also but no such luck except for a few measly crumbs on the floor. Tonight Kate asked when the "Valentine Guy" (a.k.a. Cupid) was coming and would he be bringing them anything. I quiver just thinking what a big disappointment all of these fesitivities will be when they realize there isn't a Santa Claus who rides around in a sleigh, there isn't a little sparkly fairy delivering money under a pillow collecting germy teeth, or a big furry bunny who delivers hollowed chocolate molds of himself in baskets!
Since the roads were so icy at the beginning of the week the school district didn't take any chances today with the slick roads and called off school. I think too many buses were in the ditch Monday morning to chance it yet again today. So the girls entertained themselves with a lot of crafts, t.v. and snacks today. Lunch time included smoothies which we eat a lot around here and this was just a cool picture...all the layers of the smoothie visable...people pay a lot of money for this kind of art work!

Overheard conversation...
Anna: Kate did you know that firemen have to stay up all night?
Kate: Yes.
Anna: Yeah, they need to stay up in case there is a fire and they have to go put it out and stuff.
After leaving the archery store tonight...
Kate: Mommy my arms are strong enough to have my own bow.
Mommy: You have to be pretty strong to use one.
Anna: That's okay Kate. We have the pink gun.
Puke Target
Why is it every time the girls get the stomach flu they throw up on me? It happened again tonight. Standing in line at Culver's to get dinner before AWANA Anna decided to upchuck her after school snack all over me. I had just ordered our dinner and was leaning over to pay when a gush of warm liquid splattered all over my hair and down the front of my shirt. I stood there for a moment deciding what would be our next best move...get our meal to go! As I am trying to clean up Kate informed me that Anna threw up the red jell-o and she probably shouldn't eat that again.
Flashback 2007

We can't believe it's been 2 years already that we traveled south to Florida to visit the princesses at their Magic Kingdom. We returned 2 years ago today back to reality. Kate was 4 and Anna was just shy of being 3. It still amazes us how much they remember from that trip. We had a lot of fun and great week at Disney World. One of our highlights included breakfast at the castle with Cinderella (wearing our princess dresses of course).
Living Simply = Saving Money
Call it a mid-life crisis, maturity, economic downturn behavior, finally understanding my dad's money philosophies, or the fact that I am obsessed with Dave Ramsey. I think it is more of the latter and Dave Ramsey has become a household name in the Bartig residence. So much so that Jeff has purchased a pair of ear plugs (out of his budget of course). We have always been good investors and have over a 13 year relationship with our financial advisor. However, we have never really been the best savers or adequately stretched our dollar to it's maximum capabilities (excluding our investments). Since living simply is a goal of ours buying less and saving more parallels each other. I have dabbled over the years in coupon clipping, rebate shopping and researching for "the best deal." However, it has now become one of my hobbies that I find fun, challenging and brain stimulating (we need this for stay-at-home moms). This new behavior has caused us to take a step back and really assess what is important in life and reorganize our goals and objectives. Instead of just running out and purchasing something because we think we "need" it we actually think about it for awhile or start a fund so we can pay cash for it without dipping into our general savings. As Dave says it's really 80% behavior 20% knowledge that sets us apart in the financial world. We have some hefty goals: establish a cushy emergency fund for six months of living expenses, pay off river land and mortgage. In addition to saving cash for future vacations, replacement vehicles & furniture and college savings for the girls. Big goals that would equal a lifetime of freedom! So, we all need to start somewhere...let the coupon clipping begin!
Bits and Pieces...and a Little Blood
I was able to spend the afternoon with Kate in her Kindergarten class yesterday. It is so fun to hang out with her and learn what they are doing at school. Since Kate doesn't like to give out too many details we wonder what really goes on inside the four walls of Somerset Elementary School. I can attest there is a lot of learning going on and a lot of fun to be had! Kate's class is just finishing up a unit on bears and we have been told many facts about mammals in general. For example, their babies are born alive! Kate also can't wait until Mrs. Olson puts up the post office in their classroom as there will be Valentine's to deliver shortly. Anna's class already has their post office up and running and we have been working on her Valentine mail to be delivered next week.
Conversation with Kate while waiting for the bus yesterday morning:
Mommy: Is the bus ride more quiet in the morning or in the afternoon?
Kate: It's more quiet in the morning and noisy in the afternoon. All the kids are wound up from the day at school. I am wound up too.
Conversation this morning discussing her friend Michael's behavior:
Kate: Mommy, do you remember Michael making that noise yesterday at school? He was being silly.
Mommy: Yes, I do, but it's naughty to not listen to the teacher and goof around.
Kate: Yes. Mommy, I think God just made Michael that way.
Mommy: Maybe he did.
Kate: I bet he acts like that at home too. He probably doesn't get much sleep. I know when I don't get much sleep I am whiny.
Mommy: I agree.
Our household can't be without too much drama either. Anna always has something in her mouth and we are always telling her to take it out or she will get hurt...it finally happened last night. She had a plastic wand in her mouth, she tripped, she stabbed her throat. After a fair amount of blood, tears, drinking water and examination she did a nice number on the roof of her mouth and uvula. Now today it looks very nasty and drinking warm salt water doesn't seem to appeal to her. Hopefully with a little bit of Tylenol and lots of water we will detour the doctor's office.
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