The girls did a little cookie decorating this week for their afternoon snack. Jake was trying to get in the action also but no such luck except for a few measly crumbs on the floor. Tonight Kate asked when the "Valentine Guy" (a.k.a. Cupid) was coming and would he be bringing them anything. I quiver just thinking what a big disappointment all of these fesitivities will be when they realize there isn't a Santa Claus who rides around in a sleigh, there isn't a little sparkly fairy delivering money under a pillow collecting germy teeth, or a big furry bunny who delivers hollowed chocolate molds of himself in baskets!
Since the roads were so icy at the beginning of the week the school district didn't take any chances today with the slick roads and called off school. I think too many buses were in the ditch Monday morning to chance it yet again today. So the girls entertained themselves with a lot of crafts, t.v. and snacks today. Lunch time included smoothies which we eat a lot around here and this was just a cool picture...all the layers of the smoothie visable...people pay a lot of money for this kind of art work!

Overheard conversation...
Anna: Kate did you know that firemen have to stay up all night?
Kate: Yes.
Anna: Yeah, they need to stay up in case there is a fire and they have to go put it out and stuff.
After leaving the archery store tonight...
Kate: Mommy my arms are strong enough to have my own bow.
Mommy: You have to be pretty strong to use one.
Anna: That's okay Kate. We have the pink gun.
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