These photos were taken around June 2003. I have no idea where Kate learned how to use the phone properly. If this was taken today she would have a laptop sitting on her lap looking up baby blogs. The other photo I took for Jeff's first official Father's Day present. Oh, those were the days when being a father was a lot it is getting more complex (and expensive) with chore charts, shopping expenses, disrespect lectures, hair color treatments to cover up all the grey hair, and endless "no, you can't have that..."
Sweet baby Anna Caroline leaving the hospital...I can still see those little dried up hands...I tend to overcook my babies so they are welcomed into this world needing a good rub down of Johnson's Baby Lotion. And we can't forget Miss Morgan being the great furry sister that she was...too bad she couldn't have spent more time with us...7 1/2 years was too short a lifetime for her. She loved sitting by and protecting the girls when they were babies.
Oh yes, we have come a long way...this isn't a flash back this is a nightmare! This is a snap shot of our little basement in our old house. That would be my makeshift craft room in the corner and beyond the rubble there is an ironing table which I am guessing not too many things were being ironed back then (or crafted)...who would want to spend much time down here. I believe this was taken as a before photo or a part of my own self-induced therapy...whatever the case our current basement is not as bad but we need to remember we are in the year of simplify at the Bartig house so anything like this is a mere memory from our past.