Flash Back Fridays

A new segment for our little family blog...Flash Back Fridays. Life is buzzing by too fast and I am in the 10 step program for recovering perfectionists so beautiful scrapbooks or lovely organized photo albums are still a dream. Yes, it is true for a Type AAA person but I am trying to let go of these character flaws and find photo freedom in the near future. I think this forward thinking could be tied into our family theme of simplify this year. So, that being said I perused our old photos (basically since we bought our digital camera circa November '02) and found some of the girls when they were just little munchkins...it just seemed like yesterday we bought these little bundles of joy home and found ourselves with no manual on what to do when they spit up, cry for an hour straight, don't want to be breastfed (everyone else wasn't having this problem), have severe baby acne or a diaper rash that extends up their back (that didn't really happen...it's just an exaggeration).

These photos were taken around June 2003. I have no idea where Kate learned how to use the phone properly. If this was taken today she would have a laptop sitting on her lap looking up baby blogs. The other photo I took for Jeff's first official Father's Day present. Oh, those were the days when being a father was a lot simpler...now it is getting more complex (and expensive) with chore charts, shopping expenses, disrespect lectures, hair color treatments to cover up all the grey hair, and endless "no, you can't have that..."

Sweet baby Anna Caroline leaving the hospital...I can still see those little dried up hands...I tend to overcook my babies so they are welcomed into this world needing a good rub down of Johnson's Baby Lotion. And we can't forget Miss Morgan being the great furry sister that she was...too bad she couldn't have spent more time with us...7 1/2 years was too short a lifetime for her. She loved sitting by and protecting the girls when they were babies.

Oh yes, we have come a long way...this isn't a flash back this is a nightmare! This is a snap shot of our little basement in our old house. That would be my makeshift craft room in the corner and beyond the rubble there is an ironing table which I am guessing not too many things were being ironed back then (or crafted)...who would want to spend much time down here. I believe this was taken as a before photo or a part of my own self-induced therapy...whatever the case our current basement is not as bad but we need to remember we are in the year of simplify at the Bartig house so anything like this is a mere memory from our past.

Winter Activities

This January has proven to be pretty cold yet I think beautiful too. We had a rare morning last week with fog and after the sun cleared the denseness away there was this most picturesque landscape left over. I couldn't resist taking my camera with me after dropping Anna off at school to capture the beauty that afternoon...it reminded me to slow down and enjoy these small moments...and appreciate living in the Midwest.

When the days are cold outside one of our furry children find respite on the den couch. I couldn't resist kicking him off of there...he looked too comfortable and yes, he is very spoiled.

Despite the cold temps it hasn't kept us off the ski hills completely. If you are going to live in the Midwest you have to embrace your surroundings...the girls have gotten the bug to ski!
Even at mom's residence they get in the winter spirit. Mom doesn't have much of a crafty gene in her so I am not sure where I got mine. Anyhow, the residents enjoyed painting hand carved snowmen from a local carver who came in for their arts and crafts time. Nice job mom, but I am not sure how you can see anything without your missing glasses...

January Happenings

Since our theme for the year is simplify my organization craze has come out in full force...long awaited projects are getting checked off and there is more space in our house and less clutter we are paying rental space for...

The project pantry received some fine tuning with new labels and a litte reorganization...it makes me smile...

The walk-in pantry also received some fine tuning which included getting rid of items that were not beautiful or useful. I really like seeing more white space in here...

The girls also needed an organizational tool to keep them busy and hopefully deter them from asking, "What can we do?" I am crossing my fingers that this little bucket will help. We also made a bucket full of kid-friendly jobs they can do to earn their "pay" for the week in addition to keeping our house organized and simplified.

Art totes. Love them. This has been the best purchase of 2008. Anna just finished organizing hers and is preparing to make another project. Can't say enough about these...

The end of December and the month of January have brought us many days of skiing so far. We have gone enough times that our season passes are paid for and then some. Kate no longer needs to be on the bunny hill and can do great "S's" down every hill (except black diamonds). Anna is just a step behind her and getting better each day we go. Jeff and I never expected to be enjoying this much "real" skiing at this point in the season. We are just thrilled with their progress and can't wait until next year...I smell a future trip out west!
Kate Quote
Kate: Mommy, I just feel like I am 7 already.
Mommy: Why is that Kate?
Kate: Well, I can ski, whistle, read, and I am losing my teeth...

A New Year: 2009

Anna, Avery, Kate & CJ
We spent New Years Eve with the Bjerke family at our home trying to stay warm. We all didn't make it up until midnight to ring in the new year but we were ready for a nice day of skiing. New Years Day was spent skiing at Trollhaugen and enjoying the new year with some fresh air on a snow capped hill with friends.

A new year gives us time to reflect on 2008 and to look to the new year setting new goals. This year our theme is simplicity. How can we simplify our lives, our budget, our time, our health, and our home and have more joy.

Christmas Day '08

Christmas began with a lot of anticipation....what did Santa bring?

Kate enjoyed getting a new stable (horses included).

Anna enjoyed getting a new Littlest Pet Shop set...

Christmas morning breakfast:  homemade pancakes with raspberry sauce

Christmas lunch with Grandma Joyce...

Decorating our gingerbread houses with Grandma Joyce...Kate is beginning to look white as a sheet...within a few minutes after taking this photo she got the 24 hour flu...

Overall, a nice relaxing Christmas Day enjoying time with Grandma Joyce.  New toys, new clothes, new stuff...life is good.

Christmas Eve '08

Christmas Eve after arriving home from church
The past few years we have tried to make Christmas Eve low key focusing on what the meaning of Christmas is all about.  The girls have great anticipation for the jolly fellow who comes down our chimney in hopes that he will bring them their wishes.  We have explained to them that we have an "agreement" with Santa that he is only to bring them 3 small gifts in their stocking and 3 gifts under our tree because Jesus received 3 gifts when he was born.  So far this is going well but give it a few years and they will be negotiating.
The girls decided in the days leading up to Christmas Eve that mom and dad should have some gifts too.  We believe this was spear-headed by the eldest with the youngest following suit.  The girls would disappear when they got home from school to the basement and several minutes later return with a "gift" for Jeff and I.  The wrapping paper started to disappear so some explaining and boundaries were established as to what they could or could not use.  Then we noticed several of our plastic containers were disappearing in the basement and if you have a trained eye you knew where they were going...under the tree.  Now a lot of time, effort and planning went into the gift wrapping as noted below...
Kate ran out of tape so she improvised with wide correction tape.  Now this seemed to suit her well because she could even write who it was to and save herself a gift tag!  Overall, Jeff and I received some lovely gifts of plastic containers, homemade paper ornaments, small clay pots and baskets.  However, Kate took the time to decorate one clay pot just for her mom which is proudly displayed in our kitchen to remember her thoughtfulness and creativity this past season.  This small clay pot has become a gentle reminder to remember the small things in life, a young kindred spirit and the love our daughter really has deep within her little heart.
After the gift opening session for Jeff and I it was onto other business of writing Santa a short note as to what was provided for him and his reindeer.  We were well assured that Santa liked spritz cookies and the reindeer enjoyed corn and oatmeal for their long overnight journey. 
Overall, a pleasant Christmas Eve that was Bartig style: slow paced.  We enjoyed various appetizers, chocolate fondue and great anticipation for Christmas morning.

Christmas with Aunt Merry

Christmas celebrations continued into the evening at Aunt Merry's house where we dined on wild rice soup, and per request, cranberry cake with butter sauce.  As always, Aunt Merry set a beautiful table with great food.

Not everyone was able to sit at the table...Mr. Jip had to be tied to the hutch while we partook in our meal.  Anna taught him how to sit and stay quietly while we ate...

Anna received more outfits for her American Girl doll, Samantha.  She received her school girl outfit and her school desk with accessories.

Kate opening up her American Girl doll desk for Kit.  She was very excited but thought she should have the same accessories too!  Kate also received Kit's school girl dress so both dolls are ready to study.  Thank you Aunt Merry and Grandma Joyce!

However, who had the most fun playing in a box?  Anna.  She had more fun playing in Aunt Merry's box from Aunt Pat than anything else...
Overall, an enjoyable evening on a snowy winter night.

Bartig Family Christmas '08

Christmas celebrations began on a snowy morning in mid December at Grandpa and Grandma Bartig's house.  First order of business was showing the new "cabin" the Bartig daughters won from a local fundraising drawing.  Kate had been talking about this "dollhouse" for three months and gently reminded us the week prior to Christmas that they should be calling soon to find out if they had won the cabin doll house.  Little did we know that Kate's positive thoughts would transpire into reality...

Kate received the dog Grace to go with her American Girl doll Kit from Aunt Sally, Uncle Steve, Emily, Maggie and Ryan.

We gave Grandpa a weeks worth of cash to spend at the Senior Center for lunch.  Recently, Grandpa has found the Senior Center in LaCrosse and enjoys daily lunches visiting with other people his age...

Uncle Tom received the book Lifestories by Mark Hall (lead singer of Casting Crowns) for his reading pleasure...when Uncle Tom is not buzzing from flower to flower he enjoys listening to Casting Crowns music...

Anna received the dog Jip to go with her American Girl doll Samantha from Aunt Sally, Uncle Steve, Emily, Maggie and Ryan.

A fun and busy day enjoying a traditional ham lunch, a lot of goodies, fun gifts, visiting and playing with family members and reminiscing with Grandpa and Uncle Tom while reading through Grandma Arlene's recipe boxes noting her fabulous cooking skills.

Christmas '08 Beginnings

Our Christmas season started with Kate's Kindergarten Christmas program that included a visit from Grandpa and Grandma.  Anna got a little Grandpa and me time while waiting for Kate's program to start...

Kate's program started with the classic Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and she was one of the reindeer that got to come down front and sing (something she never told us).  Whatever the case this was a complete turnaround from the last three years of Christmas programs!  Kate is standing in between her classmates Kia and Avery.

Another song that involved wooden sticks...that's over 125 pairs of wooden sticks in the air!

Kate's Kindergarten Program:  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, 5 Little Reindeer, Hi-Ho Medley, Up on the Housetop, Jingle Bells, The Peppermint Stick Song, We are Santa's Helpers, All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth, Must be Santa & Feliz Navidad.  

Music Teacher:  Mrs. Petznick  Pianist:  Dr. Duerkop