Bartig Family Christmas '08

Christmas celebrations began on a snowy morning in mid December at Grandpa and Grandma Bartig's house.  First order of business was showing the new "cabin" the Bartig daughters won from a local fundraising drawing.  Kate had been talking about this "dollhouse" for three months and gently reminded us the week prior to Christmas that they should be calling soon to find out if they had won the cabin doll house.  Little did we know that Kate's positive thoughts would transpire into reality...

Kate received the dog Grace to go with her American Girl doll Kit from Aunt Sally, Uncle Steve, Emily, Maggie and Ryan.

We gave Grandpa a weeks worth of cash to spend at the Senior Center for lunch.  Recently, Grandpa has found the Senior Center in LaCrosse and enjoys daily lunches visiting with other people his age...

Uncle Tom received the book Lifestories by Mark Hall (lead singer of Casting Crowns) for his reading pleasure...when Uncle Tom is not buzzing from flower to flower he enjoys listening to Casting Crowns music...

Anna received the dog Jip to go with her American Girl doll Samantha from Aunt Sally, Uncle Steve, Emily, Maggie and Ryan.

A fun and busy day enjoying a traditional ham lunch, a lot of goodies, fun gifts, visiting and playing with family members and reminiscing with Grandpa and Uncle Tom while reading through Grandma Arlene's recipe boxes noting her fabulous cooking skills.

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