Christmas Eve '08

Christmas Eve after arriving home from church
The past few years we have tried to make Christmas Eve low key focusing on what the meaning of Christmas is all about.  The girls have great anticipation for the jolly fellow who comes down our chimney in hopes that he will bring them their wishes.  We have explained to them that we have an "agreement" with Santa that he is only to bring them 3 small gifts in their stocking and 3 gifts under our tree because Jesus received 3 gifts when he was born.  So far this is going well but give it a few years and they will be negotiating.
The girls decided in the days leading up to Christmas Eve that mom and dad should have some gifts too.  We believe this was spear-headed by the eldest with the youngest following suit.  The girls would disappear when they got home from school to the basement and several minutes later return with a "gift" for Jeff and I.  The wrapping paper started to disappear so some explaining and boundaries were established as to what they could or could not use.  Then we noticed several of our plastic containers were disappearing in the basement and if you have a trained eye you knew where they were going...under the tree.  Now a lot of time, effort and planning went into the gift wrapping as noted below...
Kate ran out of tape so she improvised with wide correction tape.  Now this seemed to suit her well because she could even write who it was to and save herself a gift tag!  Overall, Jeff and I received some lovely gifts of plastic containers, homemade paper ornaments, small clay pots and baskets.  However, Kate took the time to decorate one clay pot just for her mom which is proudly displayed in our kitchen to remember her thoughtfulness and creativity this past season.  This small clay pot has become a gentle reminder to remember the small things in life, a young kindred spirit and the love our daughter really has deep within her little heart.
After the gift opening session for Jeff and I it was onto other business of writing Santa a short note as to what was provided for him and his reindeer.  We were well assured that Santa liked spritz cookies and the reindeer enjoyed corn and oatmeal for their long overnight journey. 
Overall, a pleasant Christmas Eve that was Bartig style: slow paced.  We enjoyed various appetizers, chocolate fondue and great anticipation for Christmas morning.

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