Anna's Kindergarten Christmas Program

Anna's Kindergarten Christmas program provided a morning of entertainment and good old fashion fun. Anna did a great job singing and participating in the big event...and there was much anticipation for this day. There is also time for a photo opportunity with her buddy Serenity.

Don & Bette's 40th Anniversary Party

Saturday, December 5th we celebrated Don & Bette's 40th Wedding Anniversary with several friends and family at the Tee-a-way Golf and Supper Club.

Don & his bride.


Bartig Family 2009

A little cracker party...under the table.

Some after party fun at the hotel with more family...

A December Sky

God's paint brush on a beautiful late fall evening...


It's the 100th Day of School!

Yikes! Where has the time gone! The girls are excited and there are a few fun things going on at school: a class party, 100 seconds of dancing after morning announcements, a contest to see which class can bring in the most non-perishable food and a guessing game on which container holds 100 items. Should be fun!

Wow, Kate has been a first grader for 100 days. In the last 100 days Kate has turned seven and celebrated with her first friend party, advanced her math skills, gained vocabulary to fine tune her reading skills, learned to spell her full name, became more confident, mastered sentence writing and became an emerging ballerina and tap dancer! She is also one week away from completing her entire AWANA book for the year!

Scary, Anna has been a Kindergartner for 100 days. In the last 100 days Anna is 6 weeks away from being a six year old (this is a big deal), emerging as a reader, gaining an extensive vocabulary, writing numerous sight words, loving Math, gaining new friendships and fine tuning her ballet and tap dancing skills. She is also one week away from completing her entire AWANA book for the year!

What has mom done the last 100 days? The house isn't cleaner or more organized but I have developed systems and routines to keep the hamster wheel moving. Most importantly I have reacquainted myself with the treadmill and can officially RUN 3.2 miles without puking, fainting or dying.

Bedtime Conversation

Anna: Mommy, when I am awake can you please leave my bedroom door open?
Mommy: Yes, I always do.
Anna: Then when I am sleeping you can close it. But why is it not open when I get up in the morning?
Mommy: Um, that's because I have no idea when you wake up. I don't have x-ray vision to look through the wall to see if your eyes are open.
Anna: Oh.

Another Anna-ism

During bedtime prayers....
Mommy: Anna, what is your prayer request tonight?
Anna: Daddy won't be home until Friday, right?
Mommy: Yes.
Anna: Then I want to pray for daddy while he is in Jupiter.
Mommy: Sure Anna, that sounds like a great idea.

Coloring Outside the Lines

Perfection. I am seeing it outside my window. Beautiful snowflakes that have been perfectly shaped by God's hands. None of them are the same; each perfectly unique. As humans we keep trying to reach a perfection. I am guilty of that...ever since I could remember. My first grade teacher had to kindly remind me that ONLY God is perfect. Yes, indeed He is, but several years later it still is a struggle of mine especially when I became a mother. I won't blame it on the genes, environmental factors or our secular culture. Instead I pray for balance:

Perfection vs. Balance

The world calls us to be “perfect” mothers, but I believe God calls us to be “balanced” mothers.

A “perfect” mother puts appearance above relationship. A “balanced” mother sacrifices appearance for relationship.

A “perfect” mother seeks approval from others. A “balanced” mother seeks approval from God.

A “perfect” mother finds reward in perceived success. A “balanced” mother’s reward is a peaceful heart, family and home.

A “perfect” mother perpetuates the lie and spreads disillusionment. A “balanced” mother breaks the lie and spreads hope, truth and inspiration.

~from Kat by Inspired Into Action

I try to remind myself DAILY that I am not here to impress neighbors, friends, strangers or family members but to honor God in all I do. Some areas are easier for me while others are not. I am learning to gently remind myself that it's not how fast the girls can decode their reading assignment, recite their addition facts or remain perfectly behaved in public. It's about the kindness they are showing to each other, strangers, friends and family. It's Anna looking at her bible before school this morning and asking where is heaven. It's Kate sharing her special treat with her sister and requesting prayer for safety as her daddy is traveling. To me that is perfection: gratifying and authentic.

However, the dark side of perfection likes to raise it's ugly head and put me off course. It can easily fill my head with lies and rattle my heart. So in order to stay focused I need direction, concrete direction for this type A personality. Hence my mission statement:

  • to pursue Jesus with my whole heart and surrender all that I am and all that I have so that I can be fully used by Him.
  • to make Jeff feel loved, cared for and admired.
  • to have FUN with my children and help them grow up to be people who know, deeply love and wholeheartedly serve God.
  • to live my life in such a way that others are inspired to fully pursue Jesus and desire constant growth in their personal lives.
Whew, I have my work cut out for me but anything is possible with Jesus, right? Perfection and balance. Good versus evil. The beautiful flakes are still falling and the ground has a fresh white coating. A vivid red cardinal is perched on a snow covered branch. Wow, what a gentile reminder that I am cleaned and forgiven through the power of His blood, through the wonder of His love, through faith in Him I know that I can be white as snow.

I did it. I colored outside the lines. I have a long list of posts to get on this blog to get caught up but the first step to undo perfection is speaking from the heart not a calendar or a to-do list. Next assignment: family mission statements.