Another Craft Thursday Project

Painting Rocks

We heated up some rocks in the oven and "painted" the warm rocks with crayons.  A very fun and easy project that required learning how to use the oven mitt.

Kate Celebrates Turning 8

Kate opted for a frog themed birthday this year so we got busy decorating with the little green creatures.

The party table was set that included real frogs (on loan from our yard).

No party could be complete without an ample supply of crafts!

Pre-party exercising...

Party Favors:  A LOT of green candy

We're going green!

A birthday party needs a few games:  a frog hunt

A little frog mummy...

...and having a lot of fun!

Time for more crafts:  painting our pet frog rocks

Getting gifts is a lot of fun especially when they are stuffed snakes!

Time for the family glad Grandpa Bones could join us.

Kate loves shopping at The Children's Place

...and getting more American Girl outfits.
Thank you Aunt Merry!

Having a lot of fun decorating frog cookies with cousins.

Kate Turns 8

Kate turns 8!
eight things about Kate

*  nature lover
* collector
* loves school
* only wears skirts
* obsessed with rocks
* fort builder
* loves Math
* passionate

It's your day to celebrate and start the day with chocolate chip Belgium waffles

Frog themed birthday:  treats for dance class

Overall a great day!  We can't believe you are already 8!  You will be leaving the house in 10 years!  Frightening!

Craft Thursday

Craft Thursday
The girls love crafts and since we have something going on Monday - Wednesday we felt we should name the 4th day of the work week Craft Thursday.  I can't believe how excited the girls are about this activity and as soon as they get home from school they ask, "What's our craft?"  Yep, this requires a little planning on my part but hey, I need to use my education some way!

This week featured liquid side walk chalk and the girls loved it!

First Day of School 2010

Wearing their new tie-dye t-shirts with a lot of pride!

Monkey Bread Rolls
The girls were so nervous that they hardly ate.
Anna said, "Mommy, my belly is feeling weird."

First Day of School 2010
Anna: first grade with Mrs. Johnson
Kate:  second grade with Mrs. Andersen

Trekking to the bus stop...

Have a great first day girls!

The Eve Before the First Day of School

The eve before the first day of school and all was a bustle throughout the house...

Kate was about to embark on 2nd grade but not before her first top tooth fell out
(before picture).

In keeping with tradition, Mom read, "The Kissing Hand" to reassure the girls (and mom) that the first day of school will be just fine.

And the lunches were all packed (bento-style) to be eaten with delight!

It's going to be a great year!

Preparing for School

Pencils were sharpened...

School supplies labeled...

Backpacks packed...all in anticipation of the big day.  Ready or not, here we come second and first grade!